5 must have chicken supplies for healthier chickens
- Predator Proof Chicken Coop
- Large Chicken Waterers with Fresh Water
- Proper Size, Location and Number of Nesting Boxes
- Variety of Different Perches for Chickens
- An All-Natural Coop Cleaner like Chick Fresh to Keep Your Coops Clean & Ammonia Free
Top 5 treats for chickens
- Berries
- Meal Worms
- Oatmeal
- Pumpkin
- Yogurt
When can your chicks go outside?
Once chicks are fully feathered, around 6-10 weeks old depending on the breed. They can go outside as long as the temperatures are mild (at least 50 degrees F). Chicks can be moved into the outside henhouse permanently when the outside low temperature matches the target brooder temperature.
How high should the side fences be on the chicken yard?
Experts agree that a standard height for a chicken fence should be 6 feet or 1.8 meters for the majority of chicken breeds and their keepers. In some conditions, the fences need to be made higher and covered on top with appropriate materials!
How big should your nesting boxes be?
A standard nest box for regular sized chickens needs to be a 12-inch cube, 12 inches tall, wide, and deep. This will fit the average hen quite nicely. Larger birds such as Jersey Giants will need 12 inches deep, 14 inches wide, and 12 inches tall.
Should you let your backyard chickens free range?
If possible it’s recommended to free range your chickens. This will definitely help keep your chickens happy, and remember a happy chicken means more eggs! If your chickens free range they are also able to forage for themselves. Bugs, grass, grit; whatever they need in the way of nutrients!
6 Best Floor Options for a Chicken Coop
- Concrete
- Wood
- Wire
- Dirt
- Plastic
- Rubber Mats