What better way to take care of your flock than by growing the herbs needed yourself!
Here is a list of Helpful Herbs and how they can help
Basil: immune support, repel pests, mucus membrane health
Bee Balm: aids digestion, respiratory health
Chamomile: calming, general health
Cilantro: antifungal, antioxidant
Comfrey: promotes healing
Dill: respiratory health, antioxidant
Fennel: relaxing, laying stimulant
Lavender: calming, repels pests, antiseptic, odor control
Lemon Balm: repels rodents, antibacterial
Lemon Grass: fly repellent
Marjoram: egg laying stimulant, reproductive health
Mint: laying stimulant, odor control, repels flies, as a treat, cooling capabilities
Nasturtium: antiseptic/antibiotic
Oregano: internal parasites, antiseptic/antibiotic
Parsley: laying stimulant, high in nutrients
Sage: internal parasites, general health
Thyme: respiratory health, antiseptic
Wild Herbs and Other Helpful Plants
Chickweed: natural pain reliever, good source of nutrition, high in vitamins and minerals
Dandelion: immune support and rich colored egg yolk, high in calcium
Garlic: control of internal parasites
Nettle Leaves: (dried) high in minerals, calcium, protein
Plantain: wound care, inflammation, anti-diarrhea
Pumpkin: seeds and fruit thought to contain natural worming properties
Wild Violet: aids in circulation