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Breed Spotlight: Ancona

Breed Spotlight:  Ancona

Breeders rate the Ancona as a great egg layer producing five to seven large, white eggs a week. Anconas like the outdoors and will lay longer into the winter months then most breeds without artificial lighting.

An active, medium-sized chicken, the Ancona likes to forage much and brood little. Their closely configured feathers gives them an unusual tolerance to cold weather. Anconas will tolerate confinement but prefer the run over the coop. They like to fly so build accordingly.

Some classify the active Ancona as unfriendly. However, handled early and often they will bond with humans as well as any breed. Left alone they will exercise their free-spirited nature. Their foraging diet, active nature, and lack of broodiness make them the perfect breed for laying. An alert and rangy temperament equips the Ancona well for survival against predators. Chicks mature early with low mortality.

Anaconas have a shiny black plumage tipped with white speckles which grow larger and whiter with age. White ear lobes stand in stark contrast to their bright red wattles and combs of single or rose configuration. Male Anconas with single combs sport the five upright points often seen in a child’s drawing of a chicken. Females have one erect point followed by four drooping. They have matching yellow beaks and legs without feathers.